Danger, Too Old Sitting Watching TV

Written By rajablos on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011 | 02.42

How long do you sit in front of the television in one day? If you often sit too long, followed by unhealthy habits like smoking or irregular eating patterns, be prepared with health risks, and even premature death due to cardiovascular disease.

From the Mayo Clinic endocrinologist, James A Levine, MD, PhD, says a study says adults who sit for more than four hours a day in front of the television, 80 percent higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.

Meanwhile, adults who sit less than two hours a day in front of the television is safer from the risk of death. Of course, a number of factors also influence such as smoking and poor diet.

This risk is not only due to sitting too long watching television. Sitting behind the wheel also increases your health risk. In fact, redeem it by exercising some time in the gym does not necessarily reduce these risks significantly.

The solution, says Levine, is to reduce the length of time to sit and move more often. By standing, you're burning calories three times more than the sitting position.

"The contraction of muscles, including the current standing, pushing the threshing of fat and sugar. Meanwhile, when you sit down, muscle contractions stopped," he said.

Control yourself, if it has been sitting too long, get moving, standing or walking for some time.

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Danger, Too Old Sitting Watching TV

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