Watching TV Lower Retina Eye Function

Written By rajablos on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011 | 02.46

Jakarta, Kompas - The habit of watching television for too long / TV and watch TV at close range can reduce the function of the retina of the eyes of children.

"Television emits blue light is very close and dangerous for children," said Pratiwi Rapih Astuti which presents the results of his research with his colleagues from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine) in Jakarta, Thursday (24 / 7).

The study titled "The correlation between watching television and Function of the Retina in Children" was conducted by Pratiwi with his friends, the Rev. Budi Santosa, Allan Taufiq Rivai, and Dwi Notosusanto. This study included the League of Medical Science which is a regular annual event organized by the Research Institute and Research Family Student Association Student Senate Faculty of medicine.

According to the results of previous studies, blue light causes the retinal degeneration by destroying the cytochrome oxidase and inhibits cell respiration. They are relatively clear lens of the eye so that can not dampen the blue light with a maximum. Total blue ray television children receive depends on two factors: the total viewing time per day and distance while watching television.

The study was conducted in June 2008 against 106 subjects. Subjects were primary school students aged 6-13 years. The result, the correlation between the total time per day watching television and distance from the television while watching the contrast sensitivity with the left eye, right eye, and both eyes, ie the longer watch television, the lower the score function of the retina, so that the closer spacing also tends to decrease retinal function in eyes of children.

Of the 106 children studied, 25 children were decreased retinal function (23.4 percent). They watch television an average of 2.29 hours per day with a viewing distance of 184.32 cm.

We recommend that children watch television at eye distance of 4 meters. For children aged 6-9 years should watch 60 minutes per day, for ages 9-13 years for 90 minutes per day. (LOK)

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Watching TV Lower Retina Eye Function

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