Children's television in the room, should I?

Written By rajablos on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011 | 02.37

Perhaps your intent is to give children entertainment facilities, but experts did not recommend children have a television in his room. One of losses that may be encountered is the reduced hours of sleep a child and the uncontrolled release of the selected spectacle child without parental supervision.

New research published in the journal Pediatrics says, watching television after 7 pm would cause the children experience sleep disturbances even nightmares in children regardless of whether a show contains violence or are not selected.
The study was conducted on 600 children aged 3-5 years. Another interesting finding is that children with televisions in the bedrooms, the average daily hours a night will get 15 minutes and 12 minutes more watching violent content during the day. As more television viewing, children are also seen more easily tired.

Children at age 0-6 years who have a television in his room also will likely have a television in his room until they were aged 6-18 years.

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Children's television in the room, should I?

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